Monday, March 29, 2010

1st Bday Party

A week late, but we celebrated Makenzie's birthday on Saturday. It was also Tatum's, my brother-in-law little girl, birthday - she turned 7 - so we threw a double party. Lots of fun. I attempted to make each girl their own flower cake, turned out ok. I also make them shirts, I think those turned out really cute. The weather was great, it was really low key, and everyone seemed to have a great time. My sister-in-law made a really awesome DVD of Makenzie, and Emery, that sums up their friendship, love, awe, and inseperability (a word?) with each other. Thanks YaYa! My mom and dad drove up from Tucson, which was really nice to have them there. They actually stayed at the Porters' while Matt, the babe and I came home and took a nap. It is wonderful that my mom and my mom-in-law get along so well. Then again, maybe not! Enjoy the pictures.

Birthday girl #1

Birthday girl #2

We love cousins!
Yum - first attemp.
What happens after your dad smashes your face into your cake.
Two awesome grandmas!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Makenzie jumped right into her first swim lesson last night at Evo swim school. Her current placement is a Starfish - hopefully soon to be Pufferfish! Cute huh? She did great. She never really cried, although when the instructor dunked her head under water then sent her to me like a torpedo, that made her whimper a little. I can't wait to see her turn into a little fish.

Cutest little Starfish I have ever seen! Does anyone know why ALL my pictures I take with my new Nikon have the black shadow in the bottom right corner? Food for thought!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

1 year old

Gosh, one year ago today I was sitting in a hospital bed thinking if this baby was ever going to come out. 21 hours and one C-section later, Makenzie Sue Porter jumped, ran, skipped, hopped, squirmed (you pick your action adjective) into our lives. She has made our lives more entertaining, more exciting, more blessed and more joyful. I seriously just love this little girl to pieces. Happy Birthday

Kenzie Sue.

Now look at you - with your crazy hair and climbing on EVERYTHIN! Life gets better with you in it Susie!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Fresh flowers make me happy

Thanks Trader Joes!


Our little Kumquat tree has fruit!

Last Day of Spring Break

I can't believe my week of rest, get things done and catch up is over. However, today was a very productive day. Matt got off work early today - Yay. We planted our garden: zucchini, yellow squash, green peppers, and tomatos. Yum! Hope we have a good year. Matt also cleaned up the backyard and front yard. Pulled weeds, trimed trees and racked leaves. Good day.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oh, the places WE go

Lauren, Emery, Makenzie and I decided it would be fun to head to the Phoenix Zoo today. We thought, " you know, we need to do some more stuff for our girls, things they would enjoy." Of course, we know they LOVE target, Costco, Home Goods, the usuall, but why not try something new - the ZOO. Who wouldn't love the smells, the people, the animals, the cost of an adult ticket?! Well, little did we know the ENTIRE city of Phoenix had the same idea we did - Hey, it's Spring Break, the weather's kind of nice - Zoo!

We got up, not early by any means - thanks Kenz, and packed our bags. When we got to the Zoo, the party started in the parking lot. Holy Cow, well maybe no holy cows, but alot of people. There was no parking anywhere. I wish I would have taken a picture. We parked in like the 5th over flow lot. We paid our dues at the counter, good thing peanuts are free, oh, and little Kenzie Sues too!
Take a journey with us through our morning at the Zoo, I'll narrate for you from the girls:
Kenz: "I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready...I j--u-s-t c-a-n-t-w-a-i-t!"
Em: "Dude, relax, we get in when we get in! Thanks mom for the sunscreen."

Kenz: "What, you mean the animal with a giant neck is real? No way."

Em: "Mom, that Giraffe is so cool, wonder if I can get inside..hmm...nah, I am too comfortable here."

Em: "Mom, are you kidding me. You mean, you want me, ME, to pet that thing. Look at it, just look at it."

Em: "Hey, it's actually kind of cute, but don't let go mom."

Kenz: "MOM, MOM, stop, stop...It is going to eat me, are you crazy!"

Kenz: "Well, as long as I have the best death grip ever on your shirt, I guess I will enjoy the goats from afar."

Kenz: "Hey mom, mom, look at this one, over here, it is going poop. I hear they are called smart pills, oh wait - maybe thats rabbits."

Em: "I am so cute, I am so, C-U-T-E. Hey, my mom is so cute too!"
Kenz: "Ahem, Mr. Cow, could you please point me in the right direction to get a diet coke?"
Em: "Yeah, with lots of ice and a small straw, that would be awesome."
Em: "Dude, my mom needs to put some sunscreen on you too, you are so red! Bet you can't get me from here!"
Em: "Can we take five right next to this huge horse, I am beat."
Kenz: "Hmm, I wonder if Em will trade me sippy cups?"
Em and Kenz: "Look moms, look, ducks. Look moms, I can point to them too."
Kenz: "Yeah, I missed my morning nap for this, catch ya'll later, I am OUT."
Em: "My cousin is a light weight, at least I can wait till I get IN the car before I turn out the lights."
We had a great time!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Swim Lessons?

I want to get Kenzie into swim lessons this summer? Anyone know of anyone who does it and can give me a recommendation? Much appreciated?!
