My very talented sister-in-law Erin in maximinzing her talents!! She took our first family picture, which turned out pretty cute. Check out her website, and have her take your family picture as well :)
Court! Your fam is just too cute! Just wanted to say "hi" and I'm thinking of you and hope that all is well. McKenzie is growing up so fast--hope I get to see her and you all again soon! hugs
Matt is currently working Solar Electric Systems and Products, installing solar systems - so cool. He is also working at getting hired on by the fire department. I decided to take a break from the traditional classroom and teach from home online. I still teach special education, but do so from home. We got married on December 28th, 2007 and welcomed our first little firecracker Makenzie on March 20, 2009 and our second, Ashlynn, on October 7, 2011. Life is great.
what a sweet little Family!!!! I love you, I love you, I love YOu!!!!!
I am in love with those big blue eyes of hers. I hope I get to squeeze her soon. I am coming in town first weekend in november! Great family pics!
Cute family photos. She is getting so big...I can't believe how fast they grow. We really miss you guys a ton.
DARLING!!!!! I especially LOVE the one of Mackenzie! She is so sweet.
Court! Your fam is just too cute! Just wanted to say "hi" and I'm thinking of you and hope that all is well. McKenzie is growing up so fast--hope I get to see her and you all again soon! hugs
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