After the BBQ, Matt, my mom and I went to the UofA football game. That was great fun too. We stayed for the first half, and watched the second half from home. Wish we would have stayed for the whole game! Bear down Cats, it was awesome to see them play well and pull out the big W!
It was so nice to go to Tucson to see my wonderful family. You never really realize how wonderful it is to have a great family until you are away from them. I love my family to death. I especially love my mom and dad, my sisters too. It is a double plus to have such great sister-in-laws also. I never realized how blessed I would have been to have great sisters-in-law and to be married to a wonderful man with sisters. Even though they are my sisters, it doesn't replace the homesickness I feel for my family and sisters.
Glad we went home for the weekend!!
Pictures from the BBQ.
Pictures from the game.