Monday, November 15, 2010

While I wait

While I wait, at 10:02pm, for my daughter to go to sleep - I will update my blog with an actual update, no crazy hair picture. Kenzie decided she was going to have a huge, massive, stinky poop at 9:45 pm and wake herself from her slumber. Now, I get to hear her practice all her body parts, animal noises, and hear the wonderful symphony of binkies on the crib matched with raspberries on her forearm (who doesn't love to be a mom)!

It has been A L-O-N-G T-I-M-E since I have made a post, besides the one two days ago! I have been busy, who hasn't. For those of you who don't remember, I hung up my Mesquite Wildcat shirts, and traded them in for Arizona Virtual Academy what have you's. Actually, my class name is the Porter Pose!! Cute huh? Anyways, I decided I wanted to be a stay at home mom. I wanted to feedMakenzie breakfast, get her dressed, watch Baby Einstein, feed her lunch, take a nap when she did, and finally be able to do a load of laundry, change it when it is first done, and then fold it while still warm! Reality hit, who was I kidding. After working for 5 straight years, coaching 3 sports, and traveling, I knew it was going to be harder than I thought to NOT work. I also knew that if Matt and I ever wanted to move into a house with an actual backyard, I would probably still need to work. I like to work, I am going to admit it. I like putting the education I worked hard for into action. However, I still wanted to be at home withMakenzie. As grateful as I was, and still am, for my wonderful mother and sisters-in-law for taking care of Makenzie while I was at MHS, having them "raise" her was not something I wanted. So, I got a new job. I teach. From home. In my home office. While Kenzie tears my house apart. Is it what I expected? NO - it is much more work. Plus, add on the WORK being a stay at home mom adds, and I have two full time jobs. I am tired. Do I get to change the laundry right after the washer load ends, then fold while still warm - No (who does that anyways). BUT - I get to feed Makenzie breakfast, watch Baby Einstein, feed her lunch and I am HAPPY to forego my nap when she naps so that Matt can have a little breather when our bank statement comes in the mail. So, that is what I have been doing. Work and Makenzie. Life is great. I am grateful that I am still, at 10:16 pm, hearing the binkies bang on the crib and that when I wake up in the morning, I will have at least 10 emails from parents awaiting me!

Here are the updated pictures of Makenzie - no pictures of Matt and I, sorry. She rocks our world.

Halloween - Our good friends, The Patches, had a greatparty.

Not happy when dad left :(

And a few others for good measure!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

New ME...

8 inches shorter and a whole new me appears! I love it.