It has been A L-O-N-G T-I-M-E since I have made a post, besides the one two days ago! I have been busy, who hasn't. For those of you who don't remember, I hung up my Mesquite Wildcat shirts, and traded them in for Arizona Virtual Academy what have you's. Actually, my class name is the Porter Pose!! Cute huh? Anyways, I decided I wanted to be a stay at home mom. I wanted to feedMakenzie breakfast, get her dressed, watch Baby Einstein, feed her lunch, take a nap when she did, and finally be able to do a load of laundry, change it when it is first done, and then fold it while still warm! Reality hit, who was I kidding. After working for 5 straight years, coaching 3 sports, and traveling, I knew it was going to be harder than I thought to NOT work. I also knew that if Matt and I ever wanted to move into a house with an actual backyard, I would probably still need to work. I like to work, I am going to admit it. I like putting the education I worked hard for into action. However, I still wanted to be at home withMakenzie. As grateful as I was, and still am, for my wonderful mother and sisters-in-law for taking care of Makenzie while I was at MHS, having them "raise" her was not something I wanted. So, I got a new job. I teach. From home. In my home office. While Kenzie tears my house apart. Is it what I expected? NO - it is much more work. Plus, add on the WORK being a stay at home mom adds, and I have two full time jobs. I am tired. Do I get to change the laundry right after the washer load ends, then fold while still warm - No (who does that anyways). BUT - I get to feed Makenzie breakfast, watch Baby Einstein, feed her lunch and I am HAPPY to forego my nap when she naps so that Matt can have a little breather when our bank statement comes in the mail. So, that is what I have been doing. Work and Makenzie. Life is great. I am grateful that I am still, at 10:16 pm, hearing the binkies bang on the crib and that when I wake up in the morning, I will have at least 10 emails from parents awaiting me!
Here are the updated pictures of Makenzie - no pictures of Matt and I, sorry. She rocks our world.
Halloween - Our good friends, The Patches, had a greatparty.
Not happy when dad left :(
And a few others for good measure!